In order for us to deliver your card promptly, you will need to fill out your address in Japanese.
If your address is longer than the space provided, you can try using hyphens 「-」 instead of 「丁目or 番」, or omitting the name of your building, but NOT your room number!
■ Entering Your Bank Account Details
This is optional, but we highly recommend that you register your bank account at this point, rather than using the paper application later.
Once your account is registered, we will automatically withdraw your monthly bill payments from there.
Please have your cash card / bank book handy, to help you fill out your account information, and start the process by choosing your bank from the options shown.
(地方銀行 "Chiho Bank" means Local Bank and 信用金庫 "Shinkin Bank" means Credit Union.)
If you shortened or omitted parts of your name in STEP 1, you may be unable to register your account online since your name will not match the name of the account holder.
If that is the case, you will need to register your bank account using the paper application. (Please click the ”郵送で口座設定手続き” button as shown above.)
E.g: Name registered with Rakuten Card: RAKUTEN CARD
Name registered with your Bank Account : RAKUTEN TARO CARD
Once you have been approved for a credit card, we will send a bank registration form with your card.
After you receive the paper application, please fill it out and send it back to us at Rakuten Card as soon as possible.
■Entering Your PIN Code
暗証番号 "Ansho Bango" means PIN Code. Please be careful not to forget the 4 digit code you decide to use!
■ Entering the Phone Number of Your Work Place
This is required as part of the screening process.
Please make sure to enter the phone number of your work place, not your personal phone number. If you enter the wrong one, it may take longer to process your application.
■ Entering your Rakuten Members ID and Password
You will need these to log in to Rakuten e-NAVI, a useful site for managing your credit card online, so please make sure not to forget them!
■ Requesting a Family Card
You may also choose to have a Family Card, for another member of your family, after you have finished applying for your main card.
Having a Family Card as a personal second card is prohibitted, so please make sure to enter your family member’s personal information in the fields.
If you are unable to receive your credit card because you could not verify your identity during delivery, please contact the Customer Call Center.
【Inquiries to Rakuten Card】
・Rakuten Card Co., Ltd. Customer Call Center
・If you are unable to reach us via the phone number above, please dial:
※When you hear the voice guidance, follow the steps below.
- Press "1" for cardholder.
- Press "7" for inquiries about card issuance status and delivery.
※Representatives are available from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Also available on Saturdays, Sundays, National Holidays)