Could I contact Rakuten card in English?
Certainly. Please contact the customer call center, and then our representativ... 詳細表示
How should I answer the SMS/e-mail of 「ご利用内容ご確認のお願い」?
Rakuten Card was suspected of being fraudulent. We would like to confirm if you are aw... 詳細表示
What advice do you have for filling out the Rakuten Card ...
Since typos or misinformation could lead to your application being rejected, it is very... 詳細表示
How can I pay my credit card bills?
You have two options. 1 : AUTOMATIC WITHDRAWAL OPTION You can pay your bills th... 詳細表示
What is the revolving payment?
Revolving payment means that you only have to pay the minimum payment each month, but y... 詳細表示
I'd like to increase my credit card limit.
You can ask us to review your credit card limit on Rakuten e-NAVI. Please regist... 詳細表示
How do I cancel my credit card ?
We're sorry to hear you would like to cancel your Card. If you're located outside of... 詳細表示
I would like to pay this month's payment before the due d...
If you would like to make your payment before the due date, please contact the Rakute... 詳細表示
What should I be careful when I need to send my ID verifi...
Please note the following two points. Please note that the number of submissions v... 詳細表示
Credit Cards that are eligible for Cash Advance can be used at cash dispensers, ATM ser... 詳細表示
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