If your credit card does not work, it may be due to the following reasons:
・ Exceeded your credit card limit (Click
here to confirm your available credit card limit on Rakuten e-NAVI.)
・Could not conduct automatic withdrawl from your bank account
・Regular/Irregular re-examination
・Use of a reported lost or stolen card
・ Error in the card information that was entered
・Magstripe is unreadable: damaged or defected
・Input incorrect PIN number
■If you wish to verify the details, please contact the Rakuten Card Contact Center.
【Inquiries to Rakuten Card】
・Rakuten Card Co., Ltd. Customer Call Center
・If you cannot use the phone number above, please dial
※When you hear the voice guidance, follow the steps below.
1.Press "1" for cardholder.
(After this, if you are calling from a smartphone, please press "2".)
2.Press "1" for an unusable card.
3.Enter your "card number#" and "date of birth #"(YYYYMMDD#).
4.Press "2" for an unusable card.
5.Press "2"again.
6.Press "0".
※Representatives are available from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Also available on Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays)