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  • FAQ No. : 15101
  • 公開日時 : 2016/10/03 12:26
  • 更新日時 : 2024/07/24 11:02
  • 印刷する

What is the revolving payment?

カテゴリー : 


Revolving payment means that you only have to pay the minimum payment each month, but you have to pay interest of 1.25% on the balance each month. However, since this amount is a calculated percentage of your total amount due it may fluctuate each month. Please note that if your balance is 200,000 or more the minimum payment due is automatically 10,000 yen plus interest. If your balance is under 200,000 yen, your lowest minimum payment would be 5,000 yen plus interest.


Please note that if you register for automatic revolving service, all the purchases you make will be under the revolving payment even if you chose to pay one-time payment at the store.


If you would like to pay off your revolving payment by automatic withdrawal from your bank account, please register "リボのおまとめ払い" on Rakuten e-NAVI.

Also, if you would like to register it by the 10th, the revolving balance will be withdrawn from your bank account on the 27th of the month.

Please note that you will be charged of interest of 1.25% on the balance.


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