My credit card number changed. Is there anything else tha...
When you change your credit card number, you need to contact any companies (such as y... 詳細表示
I received a new card, but my current card hasn't expired...
Your current card will continue to work until the expiration date passes. However, t... 詳細表示
I'd like to change my e-mail address. How can I change it?
You can change your e-mail address on "Change your e-mail address" out of "Change your ... 詳細表示
How to transfer your remaining Edy balance from a Rakuten...
The Edy balance of a Rakuten card can be transferred using a multi-function copier at F... 詳細表示
My credit card is about to expire. Should I apply for the...
We will automatically send a new card to your address, which you receive a paper bill... 詳細表示
I don't know how to fill out the bank application form.
To see how to fill out the bank application form, you can take a look at the screen cap... 詳細表示
What if I can't remember the PIN for my Rakuten card?
If you would like to check the PIN for your Rakuten card, please log in to Rakuten e-... 詳細表示
How can I check my Rakuten account information?
Click here to access your Rakuten account information and select English ! 詳細表示
About "Automatic Revolving Payment"
It's a payment method that makes every one-time payment Revolving Payment ※It doesn't ... 詳細表示
I'd like to change my personal account information since ...
You can change the information such as your address, phone number, and workplace from h... 詳細表示
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