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  • FAQ No. : 8301
  • 公開日時 : 2016/03/14 19:46
  • 更新日時 : 2016/03/29 09:46
  • 印刷する

I lost my Rakuten Bank card. What should I do?


Please contact Rakuten Card and Rakuten Bank as soon as you realize that your Rakuten Bank card has been lost or stolen.
Once you have informed us of the loss, we will stop your credit card. Please be aware that you also need to contact Rakuten Bank and police.
【Inquiries to Rakuten Card】
 ・Lost or Stolen Credit Cards ※Domestic call
 0120-86-6910 ※toll-free number(24-hours available phone number)
 ・In the case that you cannot use toll-free number
 ・Call from Overseas
 81(country code)-92-474-9256
【Inquiries to Rakuten Bank】
Once your Rakuten Bank Card has been lost or stolen, please log in to Rakuten Bank account page on the Internet and take the necessary steps for credit card lost or stolen. If you are unable to log in to Rakuten Bank, please call Rakuten Bank Customer Call Center.
 ・Lost or Stolen Credit Cards ※Domestic call
 0120-77-6910 ※toll-free number
 ※If you cannot use toll-free number, please call Rakuten Bank at 03-6832-2255.
 ・Overseas call (*When calling from abroad)
 81(country code)-3-6832-2255


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