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  • FAQ No. : 163042
  • 公開日時 : 2024/02/22 10:00
  • 印刷する

About "Notification e-mail of Card Usage"


It's a service to notify when the card is used.
It detects in case of card fraud.
※ Settings can be changed (Receive both or only the confirmed report)
※ Flash Report cannot be selected individually, because this function is an attached option to the confirmed report

カード利用のお知らせ(Notification e-mail of Card Use)

The date of use, the amount of money and the card user is notified to the registered e-mail address within 3 days when the usage information is received from the store.

【速報版】カード利用のお知らせ(【Flash Report】Notification e-mail of Card Usage)

The date of use, the amount of money and the card user, is notified to the registered e-mail address within 2 days when the usage information is received from the store.


回答について「もっとここが知りたかった」「この部分がわかりづらい」などのご意見をお寄せください(任意) ※コメント入力欄への個人情報入力はご遠慮ください。