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  • FAQ No. : 163041
  • 公開日時 : 2024/02/22 10:00
  • 印刷する

About "2nd Password" in Rakuten e-NAVI


2nd Pasword is not User ID & User's pasword but completely another password to prevent the other person from logging in e-NAVI account.
The account will be more secured by setting 2nd Password and it is available for free.
To register / change / suspend / restart the service, click the following link.


  • Avoid the passwords that can be easily guessed / the same password as  Rakuten ID / Password
  • The characters that can be registered as the 2nd Password should be alphabet, number and/or these following characters and they should be more than 4  and less than 32 letters.
    _ - . ^ $ [ ] * + ? | ( ) ! # % & = @ ; : < >
  • 2nd Password is not a passcode of the creditcard. For more details of each password or the differences, check the link below


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