• FAQ No. : 8316
  • 公開日時 : 2016/03/14 19:50
  • 更新日時 : 2022/03/30 10:49
  • 印刷する

I'd like to increase my credit card limit.


You can ask us to review your credit card limit on Rakuten e-NAVI.
Please register your bank account and apply for the service on "Change the credit card limit" on Rakuten e-NAVI.
Also you can ask us to review your account in order to increase your credit card limit temporarily on "Temporary credit card limit increasing" on Rakuten e-NAVI.
※There are some exceptional cards that you cannot temporarily increase the credit card limit.
※Regarding Rakuten VIP loan Card, you are unable to apply for the service on Rakuten e-NAVI.
※We might not be able to approve your request to increase your credit limit because of your credit card status and/or credit card usage situation.
※Please be aware that your credit card limit may also decrease or your card may be stopped after your account is reviewed. If you have several cards at Rakuten Card, the others will be also stopped at that same time.
※Those of you who have applied for a credit card within 6 months are not eligible to increase their credit card limit.
※Those of you whose credit card limit has either increased or decreased within 6 months are not eligible to increase their credit card limit.
※Also, we might ask for an income certificate when you request us to increase the credit card limit for cash withdrawals on your card.