• FAQ No. : 163039
  • 公開日時 : 2024/02/22 10:00
  • 印刷する

About "Automatic Revolving Payment"


It's a payment method that makes every one-time payment Revolving Payment
※It doesn't cover Installment payment / Bonus payment
To "Register / Unregister Automatic Revolving Payment", go to Rakuten e-NAVI

(Ex) Registration of Automatic Revolving Payment was made on May 8th and the card was used for 30,000yen on May 15th



  • Family cards and ETC cards can also be applied to the Automatic Revolving Payment.
  • Some payments might be unavailable for Automatic Revolving Payment  such as merchant stores of Rakuten Pay, cach advance, rent fee, annual fee of cards, esthetic salon, JRA-Direct, PC school, language school
  • "Automatic Revolving payment" can be selected when applying for the card(s).
    This function is never set WITHOUT permission.
  • The revolving payment (that was set automatically) cannot be changed to the original payment.
  • Interest for Revolving Payments are charged even if the payment is smaller than the Revolving Payment Course.
  • The revolving payment cannot be made if the spent money exceeds the limit of the usage balance of the revolving payment.
    If the payment exceeds the limit, it will be charged as a one-time payment next month.
    However, if the quota has been recovered, the payment is automatically changed to the revolving payment.