• FAQ No. : 39071
  • 公開日時 : 2017/10/06 22:31
  • 印刷する

I would like to know is it possible to change my revolving payment or monthly payment to one time payment?

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Unfortunately, we are unable to change your revolving payment or monthly payment to one time payment.
However, you can pay off the whole or a part of your revolving balance for automatic withdrawal on next due date if you set "リボ残高のおまとめ払い" ("Paying whole or a part of revolving balance") on Rakuten e-NAVI.
Please be aware that you will have to pay the interest on your revolving balance even if you make your payment all at once.
※If you set "Paying whole or a part of your revolving balance" by 10 p.m. on 10th of the month, then your revolving payment will be this month.
However, if you set it up after 11th of the month, then your revolving payment will be next month.