• FAQ No. : 20485
  • 公開日時 : 2016/12/29 14:32
  • 更新日時 : 2022/11/15 17:56
  • 印刷する

I don't receive billing statement every month. How can I receive it by mail?

カテゴリー : 


If you register "WEB明細サービス", you will not receive billing statement by mail and need to access Rakuten e-NAVI to check your billing statement.
If you need the billing statement by mail, please unregister "WEB明細サービス" referring to the following steps.


1. Please click here and login to Rakuten e-NAVI.
 You can either select your home or workplace where you would like to receive your billing statement by mail.
 Please confirm whether the address is correct and then click on the red color "Unregister" button.




2. You will see the message that says you have unregistered WEB billing statement service, and billing statement will be delivered to you from the (following) month.


  • Please be aware that we will charge you 132 yen every month if you receive the billing statement by mail.
    (For Rakuten Black Card, Premium Card, or Rakuten Business Card holders, we will not charge you 132 yen.)
  • If you unregister the service by 7th of the month, you will receive billing statement by mail from that month. However, if you unregister after the 8th of the month, you will receive it from the following month.