• FAQ No. : 15083
  • 公開日時 : 2016/09/30 10:15
  • 更新日時 : 2022/08/08 17:10
  • 印刷する

I cannot login to Rakuten e-NAVI although I put my user ID and password in correctly.

カテゴリー : 


In order to log in to Rakuten e-NAVI you must use the same user ID and password that you used for your Rakuten Card application.
If you cannot log in to Rakuten e-NAVI despite entering the correct user ID and password, it may be because your Rakuten ID was registered in English and therefore there is no Furigana (Katakana) for your name.
If the name on your Rakuten ID is not exactly the same as your cardholder name (including Furigana) please click here and refer to the following instructions in order to confirm and change the name on your Rakuten ID.
①First, log in to "my Rakuten" and click "基本情報"/ "Personal Information".
② In order to register your Furigana, please select "日本語" from the drop down menu to switch to the Japanese site. Furigana fields for your first name and last name should appear.
③In the Furigana fields, please enter your Furigana exactly as you entered it in on your Rakuten Card Application. After completing this step and saving your changes, please log in to Rakuten e-NAVI.