You have two options.
You can pay your bills through automatic withdrawal by registering your personal bank account.
There are two ways.
①Online Bank linkage service
You can register your bank account on the Internet. It is more speedy than using the form.
However, it is necessaly that your bank holder's name must be the exact same name as your card holder's name and Furigana. If you are not in this case, you need to register it with the bank application form. (NOT register on the Internet)
・It will take only few minutes to process!
※When you complete the process by 10th, an automatic withdrawal service begins
from that month!
・The process is easy and simple because you do not need to submit any documents!
here to process now!
②Using the bank application form
To see how to fill out the bank application form, please take a look at the screen capture below.
If you do not set your bank account for automatic withdrawal, you can pay bills through banks or convenience stores. We will send you the transfer forms before the 27th. Please pay at the convenience stores or banks using those forms.
※ We recommend that you enroll in the automatic withdrawal option as payments through convenience stores will incur installment fees.